Moeslih Rosyid Simple Way

Moeslih Rosyid Simple Way
Moeslih Rosyid

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Comments Ustadzah Isti Harini, S. Pd of "Iblis The Teacher" by Moeslih Rosyid

Ustadz Muslih first I knew by the presence of his unique writing in a book entitled MPIM.Exposure and reviews about his spiritual journey and experience extraordinary not merelya discoursebut was able to provide solutions to various problems in societyIn addition toserving as postmasterhe is also a persistentselfless and sincere for Allah to help treatmany people are affected by various diseasesMainly non-medical illnesses (black magic) that befall many people todayIt was a rare figure in the era of individualism andcompetition of today's business.
Allah willed this world as a meeting place of two oppositestwo mutually opposite types,the two sides / opinions are mutually bersebrangan between good and badhappinessand sadness and so on"My master Satana book title that is quite intriguing andcontroversialyet full of motivation that invites readers to be wise in dealing with variousproblems of life are increasingly complex and challengingNext
Reality is presented in each chapter with a style that is attractivespurring us to boost thespiritual side of yourself in order to enjoy life and accept it with gratitude in accordancewith the existing realityTherefore

The story of the story and the lessons presented pearls can be used as food for thoughtthat we are not wrong step and fall on things that are not in ridhai Him. finally
"My master Satanis un-Islamic literature as the media propagandawhich is packed full of tender invitation politely and slang that does not lead the reader to feel more closer to Him.

Ustadzah Isti Harini S. Pd
Muslim women activists who work
as a junior high teacher Unter Iwes Sumbawa NTB

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