Moeslih Rosyid Simple Way

Moeslih Rosyid Simple Way
Moeslih Rosyid

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Experience can be teacher, Iblis is too (from book title "Iblis is My Teacher" by Moeslih Rosyid)

Departing from a hadith 'man nafsahu faqad Arafa Arafa rabbahu', he who knows himself, then he will know God, there is a mujahadah (struggle) to get musyahadah (witnessing). It occurred to me that never satisfied when the questions intriguing, unanswered. Studying mysticism, Javanese and finally science itself freed me to one question 'whether we can know ourselves without knowing our enemies?' The answer is very difficult.
Because the process of self-knowledge that will lead to the introduction to God, is something that in such a sacred and noble, then many things become obstacles. The enemies were not satisfied when someone will come to the 'station' is. Different ways to do just to fail of romance, even meeting a servant to his Lord. Satan has a very high science, supported by a team that actually militants will use a variety of ways to ruin it. Why only the devil who has good intelligence, I also need to have intelligence. If it could be better than that possessed by the devil. Ie at least by having a very dreaded word Satan, Ikhlas.
Have been able to do with sincerity, not only Satan and his army surrendered, but also cultivate a conviction for the perpetrators and bring it to his Lord. From there then I want to be a knight, that really want to play in this lifetime. I do not care about the life after this (provision), I just want to give my best to God in this earthly life.
How to play it? What does it mean to be a play or movie star? Readers wonder is not it? Ie I in accordance with the 'stations' and my skills, will continue to think that everything that happens in this world is related to me. Whatever happens in my family, my environment, in Indonesia, even in this universe is my responsibility. If there are problems there, something is wrong with me. Maybe I am not close to Him. Or I'm remembering him off guard. So that normative I want and expect not to be true. Disaster, natural disaster, chaos and the like, continue to occur. Although it is a natural law that had to happen.
Readers might have thought, why the scholars of the caliber of Faith Ghazali, Hasan Basri, Imam Shafi, Abdul Qadir Jilani Syech and others never do not cry every night? The friend was so, even tahajud not just on the forum, but at the time of obligatory prayers were performed. For me, besides being weak and difficult to be human, he is also responsible for his flock. We are potentially double, both good and evil is indeed in a precarious position. Moreover, God gave the stamp of place 'is wrong and forget' for us. The more perfect is not it?
With the condition that, of all people have sin. With one and the sins we commit, despite claiming God is Forgiving, regret should be a menu we have to eat all the time.Remember, regrets or complaints to Him alone you know .. not to the creature. After that, because we were created as social beings who wore a robe of the caliphate on earth, then the goodness we transmitted to those around us and others.
So if experience alone should serve as a teacher, why the devil and his knowledge is not?Let us sink in and think to get the best for a wander on this earth.

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