Moeslih Rosyid Simple Way

Moeslih Rosyid Simple Way
Moeslih Rosyid

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Let's leave the search for scapegoats (from book title "Iblis My Teacher" by Moeslih Rosyid

Blessed is He Who has created death and life as a test. He is great that makes what we love and hold dear as a slander. Property and children and a wife that we have referred to God as the slander that should we manage it well. In short it seems God continues and will continue to choose who among us the most good deeds (Surat al-Mulk: 2). Are elected who will get the rewards and bonuses draw from Him. And they are the righteous who are very close to him and not easy to blame others. May we include in it, Amen.
With a title like that held by the reader, I'm sure many responses have emerged to address this controversial article. The book 'The Devil, My Teacher' or that my short time with the book 'IG' has come into the hands of readers. It sounds very brave and fight against what is believed to people over the years. But of course all that does have the excuse that could be accounted for.
Me as the originator of the course do not just describe things that might be considered unusual is hoped that the reader not to rush prejudiced or negative in my thinking. During this time we are lulled by the habit of looking for scapegoats for the problems we are facing. In fact not only that, before anything happens someone else has prepared a first reason, in case the program he made fails or gives poor output. Almost beliefs about themselves, much less confidence in their Lord often invisible to people like that. And the ending was predictable, stress will befall him.
Bad state of the reader? If I, with the audacity to say yes. Because usually there is such a negative indication that at least smell of hypocrisy, inconsistency, and lack of transparency in person. Furthermore, I can not accuse the person is not willing to learn or do not have good planning in the affair. Or lest in life are like that. Naudzubillah
The principle of "the higher science of the person can tolerate" will keep me patrikan into me. The message to us with the presence of 'IG' is, after not getting used a scapegoat, immediately correct and improve ourselves. Further improving the people around us. And all of them using science. With the knowledge or the knowledge we have, we will be able to choose anything right.
So there was nothing to blame in this life. Especially looking for looking for someone to blame. Maybe it can make us happy. But is this so-called satisfaction with radhiatan mardhiah? Not. And is explained in detail in this book.

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