Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Annas bin Malik, that he once said, "One day, when I and the Messenger of the mosque, we met a man at the gate. The man bertaya the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, when the Day of Judgement will come?" He replied, "What have you prepared for him?" Anas then said, "The man seemed a moment's pause then replied," O Messenger of Allah, not much can be I was prepared. I did not do a lot of prayer, not a lot of fasting, and not a lot of charity, but I love Allah and His Messenger. "The Prophet then said," Then you will be with those you love. "
Brothers, in this world there is a law of attraction, law of causation and the law-stocking reap. If we are good to people, certainly sooner or later someone is going good for us. When we love someone, God willing, he will repay, although its shape does not necessarily correspond with what we expect. Conversely, when we hate something, we can be sure something is going to hate us back.
You can not be loved by another person unless you love them first. It is impossible to love another person you are, while your heart is filled with hatred and malice against them, even if you've tried to cover it up.Feelings of the heart and soul is reflected from the face, eyes, and body movements are reflected so that it will remain exposed even if you cover it. If you've got it, surely it is apparent that love is full of hypocrisy. And there is no delicacy, apart from the pressure that will come later, stress.
Charity is not based on sincerity and love, like a heavy rain doused the dust. He will disappear. For charitable good man consciously or not, will be lost, damaged and disappeared or decreased by certain causes. With a love for Allah and His Messenger, with all faults and the damage it would have been avoided if Allah wills.
Is like the child and parents. If a mother of a child's behavior is always good and dutiful to him, surely the mother would be easy to forgive when the child is doing wrong. The love of God can cleanse the charity is minimal. Furthermore, can also bring blessings on businesses that do not amount to much. Allah is Forgiving and Wise.
Spice of love is the longing and curiosity to see. Everything is done sincerely without any replies mengaharap. They were convinced by his beloved, God. God was in a hadith qudsi said, "People who call me in him then I will call it in my self. People who call me in front of crowds, then I will call it in front of audiences that are better than them. "(Reported by Ahmad)

"If you want to taste the wine divine, Go to the shop love. But first, severed head,cincanglah up into smaller pieces. Thus the behavior of the lovers. The road is wide openlove for you, provided you follow my advice without hesitation. The lovers do not love the head, they chopped it off himself for love. Why should retain the head? Sheer burden if youmemanggulnya without love. One hundred kepalapun meaningless, surrender, mortgagedall, in order to reap a sip of wine from his cup. No doubt, no need to delay the time, the lovers of racing presents the severed heads. Sayatlah myself, Oh my love ... May I presented my head to meet with You (Shah Abdul Latif-Sufi mystic from the Sinh,Pakistan)
Love today was very much discussed person. Love it deserves to be discussed in all circles and every line in the community and the entire span of time. Indeed, because love is something to be good. Without love everything would fall apart incredible. And becausewe have hearts and feelings, then start spreading the love of neighbor is the best way.
I strongly agree that to be loved we must first love. And God willing it will be with the peoplehe loved.
1. Satan makes us forget"And (remember) when Moses said to his disciples," I will not stop (running) before reaching the junction of the two seas, or I will run for years. 'So, when they reached the junction of the two seas that, they forgot their fish. Then the fish jumped into the sea it take its course. And when they had gone further, Moses said to his disciples, 'Bring our food here! Indeed we have been feeling tired, because our journey. 'He replied,' Do you know when to find shelter at the rock, I did indeed forget (told about) the fish, and are not made me forget to tell it, except Satan. And the fish took its way into the sea in a strange way at all. "Musa said," That (the place) we're looking for, "
Then they do not return the original to follow in their footsteps. Then they met a servant of the servants of Us, which We have given him mercy from Us. And we've taught him knowledge from Our presence. Khidr said to Moses, 'May I follow you so that you may teach me the true science among the sciences that have been taught to you?' He replied, 'in fact, that you will not be able to wait with me. And how can you wait for something that you do not have enough knowledge about it? Moses said, "Insha Allah, you will find me as a patient man, and I will not fight you in something else matters. 'He said," If you follow me so do not ask me about anything until I stood up to explain it to you.'
2. Moses was impatientSo they both climbed up when the boat, then Khidr made a hole. Moses said, 'why are you punching holes in this boat? As a result, your passengers drown. 'Verily ye have done a big mistake. He Khidr, said 'Did not I say,' you never will be patient with me. Moses said, 'Do not punish me to forgot, nor grieve me by raising difficulties in my business.'
So they up to when they met a boy, then Khidr killed him. Moses said, 'Why did you kill an innocent, not because he killed someone else? Verily, ye have done something unjust. 'Khidr said,' Did I not say unto you that ye will not be impatient with me? 'Moses said,' If I ask thee about anything after (time) this then do not let me be with you. Surely you are old enough to excuse me. '
And then they walked up to when they came to a resident of a country, they asked were treated to the inhabitants of the land, but the inhabitants of the land did not want to entertain them. Then they get in the country that almost collapsed the walls of the house, then Khidr enforce that wall. Moses said, "If you want, surely you could have taken wages for it.
3. An explanation for the failure of MosesKhidr said, "This is the parting between me and you. Later I will tell you the purpose of your actions can not be impatient about it.
(1) As for the ark is the belief that poor people who work at sea. And, I aimed at damaging the ark, because before them there was a king who seized snatched the ark. (2) And, as for the young man, then keduannya are believers, and we feared that he would encourage both parents to the error. And, we wish that God would they replace them with other children better than his son's holiness and a deeper love (to the mother and father). (3) As for the wall belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and below are property of their savings for both, while his father was a man of deeds. So God wants them to come to maturity, and issue a treasure as a mercy from your Lord. And, is not I do it my own accord. That is the purpose of actions that you can not wait for him. (Quran, al-Kahf [18]: 60-82).
Readers, please pick yourself what lessons can we derive from the story. Patience and obedience to the teacher are two very important key words to gain an understanding of what we learned.

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib ra. gave advised by his wise words, "I bequeath to you the five cases, (1) Do any of you that wish, but only to Allah. (2) Do not be afraid, except for the sins you've done. (3) When asked by someone about something that you do not know, do not be shy to say 'I do not know'. (4) If you do not know something, then do nothesitate to learn as well as depth. (5) And know that patience is part of faith. Like the head above the body. Which if the head is separated from the body, the body would not be able to stand upright.
God in His Word also gives awards for believers who have the knowledge. "Yarfa'illahuladzina amanu minkum. Waladzina utul Ilma Darajat. Wallahu ta'maluuna khabiir bima,"Allah will exalt those who believe and the people of knowledge (science conferred) somedegree. And Allah is Informed of what ye do. (Surat Al Mujadalah: 11)
So the importance of studying, so that when the Prophet Sulayman As God offered achoice, science chosen by him. "O Solomon, please you choose: the property, a woman or athrone?," According to God's question to him. As Solomon did not choose all three, but chose science, and he got it all. Abundant treasures, beautiful wife (Queen Balqis) and he also became king, Subhanallah ... So, to get whatever we want we need science. Either physical or mental desire, all require a way that can be discovered by science. And who shall learn without a teacher, his teacher was Satan. Naudzubillah min dzalik
K.H. Rahmat Hidayat in a seminar recounts. "When I came to the front of my teacher, he asked, 'Rahmat, come here, sit here in front of me.''I want to meet God,' I said.'Are you ready to meet God?,' He asked again and I replied 'Yes I am ready.''Shall I cut off your head?,' The question had surprised me. But ...'With pleasure, I submit,' I said sure.'God exists. His form can be witnessed, encountered by those who know how to meet him.God's presence in the House. You've heard the Baitullah/Ka'bah?, 'Asked him deeper. 'Yes, I've heard,' I said.'Where is the Baitullah?,' He asked that I answer in Mecca, the Kaaba.My teacher smiled. 'It is often mentioned by us as students. But God says in the Qur'an,'I'm closer to you than your veins nearby.' And there is the hadith of the Prophet Muhamad said, 'the heavens and the earth were not able to accommodate myself, hold my Essence. But I am in the heart of the believer, that's where I d well. ''So Baitullah was not far from the neck vein. Go there. Walk over there. ''Journey to the House that as this is called a spiritual journey. In the event of Prophet Muhammad SAW, it is called Mi'raj. As the events of Jesus, it's called the Ascension of Christ. Perhaps the Buddha Gautama was called with the Enlightenment. And we can all experience it. Well, there's a trip to trip the House. ''God requires man to make the trip to the House. For those who can afford. Are capable of. Are not capable, do not. He'll be lost hehehehe .. Therefore, look for a teacher's guide"(KH Rahmat Hidayat)