My beloved Readers, do not tell anyone, that I will tell you a secret. Apparently it's very easy to treat the disease, let alone treat people who are possessed. Tens even hundreds of times I deal with a man possessed in this way, and thank God 99% successful. This is the science that is very easy to learn. Of course with the terms like, want and want.
Possession of various events that I work with and watch, there are only four steps in treating people who are possessed. Namely (1) by thought alone and ask God to jinns that pervades the victim get out, (2) if not, well out of water Drinks basuhkan prayer or just her face with water and drunk, (3) if still not healed also the chair read out the paragraph or nurbuah prayer into the water in a bucket or tub and mandikanlah victim, (4) if the victim has not been successful means problematic and can only be treated by delivering solutions to the problems at hand.
Of course we must go back to saving the four. Chant, prayer, fasting and dhikr. Everything that circumcision is not it? Well, no matter how small our savings, our practice however slight, if belief in God that we have a big, God willing, able to solve the problems possessed it. With enough savings, when we get a patient with a genie that mediocre, then through a bit of concentration and supplication to God even though the distance is far, God willing victim possessed the genie will be out soon. But perhaps the victim must first shout convey what message it carries. For example, places where there is a victim should be clean and so on. But not infrequently the genie immediately applause just the first step (1)
If the first step it has not produced results, so take water to drink, read the paragraph at the end seats that is repeated nine times. That is in part wala yauduhu hifdhuhuma wahuwal aliyul adzim 9 kali.Usapkan read on his face and minumkanlah to the victim. If the victim does not want to drink normally with flattened teeth, because the genie out will be forced to exit. Strike the palms of his hands three times with the palm of our hands.While hitting it read "He haula wala quwata billahil illa 'aliyyil adzim and Allahu akbar" When the victim is conscious immediately Drinks water for recovery. The second step (2)
If the second way is not to cure, then ask for approval to bathe with water family prayer. This prayer is in fact if we are saving enough just to read 'bismillahirrahmani raheem' will suffice. But to be sure, just read the verse chair as mentioned above or if the memorized prayers bismikal a'dzam which has also been parsed above or fruit nur prayer that we will make as a bonus in this book. When spraying water from the dipper into bailer read 'hasbunallahu wani'mal representative, ni'mal Maula ni'man Nasir Wa, la illa haula wala quwwata billahil aliyil adzim'. Insha Allah direct victims recover. Step three (3)
But when it came to the third step the victim has not been cured, it means that the victim himself who asked for help from the genie. In this case the victim had problems and was not getting a solution to the problem. So one way you can be gone through is to ask the help of the genie. Victims like this despite the fact that the genie is not available to him, he will be tugging at the genie to continue to enter into him. Even though he could not draw any genie, he will pretend to like still possessed.
Obviously the victim is problematic. Usually his problems are family problems, romance problems, fear of being scolded, friendship, finance and so on. Most of the victims who arrive at this stage is characterized by a private person, quiet and rarely express themselves in front of others.At a minimum he has a secret that only he held his own. So if we have the people around us that way, should immediately be changed or frequently invited to talk and discuss. At least suggest to him to have friends as a place to vent. And that is not less important, or at least give him confidence hear his complaint. Because if it is allowed, at a certain level it is not likely he would commit suicide or become human being.
Possession of various events that I work with and watch, there are only four steps in treating people who are possessed. Namely (1) by thought alone and ask God to jinns that pervades the victim get out, (2) if not, well out of water Drinks basuhkan prayer or just her face with water and drunk, (3) if still not healed also the chair read out the paragraph or nurbuah prayer into the water in a bucket or tub and mandikanlah victim, (4) if the victim has not been successful means problematic and can only be treated by delivering solutions to the problems at hand.
Of course we must go back to saving the four. Chant, prayer, fasting and dhikr. Everything that circumcision is not it? Well, no matter how small our savings, our practice however slight, if belief in God that we have a big, God willing, able to solve the problems possessed it. With enough savings, when we get a patient with a genie that mediocre, then through a bit of concentration and supplication to God even though the distance is far, God willing victim possessed the genie will be out soon. But perhaps the victim must first shout convey what message it carries. For example, places where there is a victim should be clean and so on. But not infrequently the genie immediately applause just the first step (1)
If the first step it has not produced results, so take water to drink, read the paragraph at the end seats that is repeated nine times. That is in part wala yauduhu hifdhuhuma wahuwal aliyul adzim 9 kali.Usapkan read on his face and minumkanlah to the victim. If the victim does not want to drink normally with flattened teeth, because the genie out will be forced to exit. Strike the palms of his hands three times with the palm of our hands.While hitting it read "He haula wala quwata billahil illa 'aliyyil adzim and Allahu akbar" When the victim is conscious immediately Drinks water for recovery. The second step (2)
If the second way is not to cure, then ask for approval to bathe with water family prayer. This prayer is in fact if we are saving enough just to read 'bismillahirrahmani raheem' will suffice. But to be sure, just read the verse chair as mentioned above or if the memorized prayers bismikal a'dzam which has also been parsed above or fruit nur prayer that we will make as a bonus in this book. When spraying water from the dipper into bailer read 'hasbunallahu wani'mal representative, ni'mal Maula ni'man Nasir Wa, la illa haula wala quwwata billahil aliyil adzim'. Insha Allah direct victims recover. Step three (3)
But when it came to the third step the victim has not been cured, it means that the victim himself who asked for help from the genie. In this case the victim had problems and was not getting a solution to the problem. So one way you can be gone through is to ask the help of the genie. Victims like this despite the fact that the genie is not available to him, he will be tugging at the genie to continue to enter into him. Even though he could not draw any genie, he will pretend to like still possessed.
Obviously the victim is problematic. Usually his problems are family problems, romance problems, fear of being scolded, friendship, finance and so on. Most of the victims who arrive at this stage is characterized by a private person, quiet and rarely express themselves in front of others.At a minimum he has a secret that only he held his own. So if we have the people around us that way, should immediately be changed or frequently invited to talk and discuss. At least suggest to him to have friends as a place to vent. And that is not less important, or at least give him confidence hear his complaint. Because if it is allowed, at a certain level it is not likely he would commit suicide or become human being.
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