Moeslih Rosyid Simple Way

Moeslih Rosyid Simple Way
Moeslih Rosyid

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

About "Madani" Society

So far, we often hear the word society without knowing exactly what the actual meaning of the term. In fact, we understand the point without the need to be explained. But how in detail the actual conditions of the so-called civil society?
In short civil society can be translated as a civilized society, namely people who have the spirit and politeness. Of course these manners for different levels and all lines of life.
To be closer to the true meaning I try to characterize the civil society with the signs in five ways. Namely (1) in religion, (2) in the economy (3) politics (4) in the social culture and (5) in the household.
(1) In a religious society among other cirriv Complying with religious ordersv Doing good and reject evilv Ikhlas and love to worshipPolite v-spoken and behavedv Be humble, patient, and always be gratefulv prejudiced eitherv forgiving, generous, and trusteesReplying v evil with goodv Far from a bad temperament, such as envy, jealousy,
greedy, ujub, arrogant and despicable character
(2) In Economyv To eat is halal and goodv It reduces sukatan and scalesv Abstain from bribes and kickbacksv To be honest in obtaining incomev Not valid deceitful and underhanded in meeting the economic needsv It does not take the property of orphans, the poor, the dhua'fa except by the lawfulv Abstain from usury transactions, mark up, system debt bondage, blackmail and the likev Finding, getting and spending property with the right path
(3) In politicsv Achieved power in ways that reallyv Carry out the mandate to protect the peoplev No misuse of power (abuse of power)v Want to hear advice and criticism of societyv Real left the seat of power when it does not have public confidence.v not justify any means to political endsv It promotes the interests of many people with selflessness and his group, and not act destructively anarchist.
(4) In the socio-culturalv Using the ethics in the mixv Freedom from disease free sex (promiscuity cohabiting and others)v No gambling, adultery, and drinking intoxicating liquorv Freedom from life style thuggery, sadism, and brutalityDressed v polite (closes genitalia)v Discipline and responsible workv Establish a decent and healthy communication with fellowv Not making the plots (plot)v Not committing bughat (uprising)
(5) In the householdv Father-mother is a role model for childrenv To provide learning facilities and worshipv Provide a lawful and good food to family membersv Responsible sakinah raise a family, pious and salihatv Creating a household sebai haven for residentsv Implement the worship of God as a whole
So the point of civil society is a society that can live peacefully in diversity and difference.This is an excellent fit with our nation's motto bineka single air-ika, although different, but still one. So ghazwul fikri or war-war mindset that we do is in order to lead there. Including the war with Satan and his team is to get at least a fifth of these things.
So it turns out not only to achieve civil society is the responsibility of the government, but all parties in accordance with its role should also provide support. May God give the correct path to us all. Amen

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