My arrival had made Icha silence of his ravings. Jin Santi goes back into icha's body. Healing with level one and two already accomplished. That is by drinking water and the threat of a blow. And Santi still unmoved, refusing to come out from Icha. Finally, as the last permission from both parents, we agreed to bathe Icha that genie who says he has three days of this brood, soon lol
Sumbawa, since February 7, 2007 when we first arrived, was remarkable.Spiritual aura that leads towards the magic is very thick. Kayak aja ya know? Hehehehe ... But anyway I think is true. The area is very spacious with the occupants of a human group is still small, making the group Amendment genie living in Sumbawa.
Sumbawa Island with an area almost twice the island of Lombok, is only inhabited by less than half the people in Lombok. Still widespread, still a virgin and still save a lot of potential for cultivation by a competent time.As usual I can not escape from the activity in redcross. Blood donors are already doing our routine. And willing to get together with redcross volunteer (KSR) makes me feel young. The similarity of outlook and adventurous spirit is a binder that is difficult for me to be released anywhere.August 2008 Yang redcross/student (PMR) of SMAN 1 Sumbawa entered into joint base training of SMPN 1 Sumbawa. I do not know what their programs in such Semongkat. All I know two days in a row journalist Adrian one of volunteer is also phoned me. Likewise Mr. Moel, Mr Dendis and Mr Manaungi. And I also was getting HSE (Field Work Field) as a student at the Faculty of Law at the University Unsa which have its main office in the Village kerekeh 45 Mataram. Kerekeh, apologize like a GSM network connection sometimes crashes. So communication is often impaired.
The third day of the accident I was in the house, apparently friends KSR wits not to see me. Due to the same case when SMAN 1 held an event Basai Ate 2 Rally PMR as I came NTB in Labuan.
At 22.00 hours when it is eager to enjoy their TV shows come and get me into the house. I went by Mr. Manaungi dibonceng. Apparently there is a member of PMR who possessed he said.
In preparation, while chatting blindly on the road, preparatory prayer several times I've read. Arrive at the location that they were gathered in the village hall Semongkat, it was crowded. My arrival was greeted by a committee named Darisya Cahyani familiarly called Icha.
"Mr, is the smell of incense anyway", said Icha told me that later Wsssssssssssss ... he fell, rolling and grumbling at will. Viewing conditions are less cool I suggest that Icha taken to a place that is separate from the other participants. Not feeling it, cook it used as a performance event. As a result, they brought to the House Icha Lanteh Stone Head office who happened to Mr. Arif, Mr. was out of town.
There I was thinking that this child there is a problem. I usually just run out came the genie had not penetrated the victim. Ceileh .., ya arrogant. Not so. But my little heart says so.
It is true fact. Every time I remove the jinn who later whispered to me named Hesti was indeed out.
"Not Hesti, I am Santi", cried the genie that permeated my inner Icha protest with which he considers wrong. Santi was indeed he who entered into the bodies of Icha. But Hesti outside because it is not allowed by Santi also wish I could go. So it was really both.
The problem is now too hard why Santi told to get out?. Without thinking, after I catch the problem, I immediately excused himself from them. The problems that befall Icha quite clear. That is, before the training he has been forbidden by her mother to follow him so that lessons in school is not disrupted. But kengeyelannya then make it bad luck with the loss of right earrings.
Afraid of angry parents, Icha then worked with Santi genie who is like him, he said. I asked for a glass of water. I read two prayers at once. Nurbuah and bismikal a'dzam. Then I rubbed into his face and drunk. Alhamdulillah Icha healed. But my mind is still saying that Icha will continue because his mind was still filled with one problem. That is due to the loss of a parent tegoran favorite earrings. I do not care, because when I lived, my wife also is sick stomach. But thank God that night no longer matter in Semongkat said committee.
After Maghrib next day, feeling like me, happen again. Having to communicate earlier, Mr. Manaungi and some people PMR SMAN 1 Sumbawa class 3 pick me up. He said Icha another recurrence and was in his parents' house in the village of Lower Poto Moyo District, approximately 20-minute journey from Sumbawa. We went there on a motorcycle together. Again and again I dibonceng by Mas Manaungi.Along the bumpy road between Bukit Tinggi - Poto, suddenly there was an uneasy feeling upon me. But I leave it alone and forget.
But what we can? Mas Manaungi PMR was angry at her for giving wrong information. Icha is not in his house which was extinguished in Poto's electric when we got there. But Icha at Bara Sumbawa Brang where he lived with his older brother and uncle who became head of junior Lenangguar. Astaghfirullah ..!!, my no load and are familiar with such conditions alhamdulillah no emotion. I think for many things, peace is necessary in order to remain able to think clearly and solve problems elegantly. Then we proceed to the town of Sumbawa Brangbara.
Arriving at Brang Bara is the couple's home and Ms. Rukmini Ustadz Nur, already filled with people. With say adieu (excuse me) many times I step over people who already had been waiting for. Relatives sometimes from a large family Jaelani Mr (Mr Icha) and Ustadz Nur is mostly present in the spontaneous event.
So there is a trend in the family whom you invite children to live in his house. Ustadz Nur with two champion who still lives in the village primary school Bugis. Berpisahlah he and his wife with their children. While Icha and Mulyani, who are both children of Mr. Poto Jaelani a teacher in residence at Brang Bara with Ustadz Nur and Mrs. Rukmini.
Great, I think is very good. This shows how family relationships in this family very well. It should be our example. Because when the apocalypse is very close, brotherly relationship will rengggang and may be broken up, the more closely the ties of friendship. Other people become brothers.Brother be not ready for one. And when that's going to happen then the actual doomsday. Naaudzu billah forbid min. So this family has distanced us back to the end hehehehe
E arrival I made Icha had paused from his ravings. Jin Santi Icha back at home with the body sitting there. Healing with level one and two already accomplished. That is by drinking water and the threat of a blow. And Santi still unmoved. Not wanting to get out of the body Icha. Finally, as pemungkas permission from both parents, we agreed to bathe Icha that genie who says he has three days of this brood, immediate applause.
The four of us, Icha mother, aunt Rukmini, Icha and I was in the bathroom for the procession. With the resignation that I think is already a high level, with tertetes had tears, I Icha flush with water. Prayer hasbunallahu wanikmal vice nikmal nikman Nasir Wa Maula, I made the pledge here.Flash seen by my shadow out of the body Icha Santi.
Icha but still not regained consciousness. So with my loud accusations that he is working with the genie. He had taken refuge to other than Allah, the jinn. Icha cry, which made me compassion. I am sure it is pure Icha though his style is like a man possessed. Finally I pleaded with her mother Icha.
"Mom, Icha is not sure that he will not get yelled at because of the loss earrings. Try mothers swear by the name of God that she would not be angry because of it ", I pleaded that directly implemented by the mother.Icha normal cash and one hundred percent conscious. Subhanallah.Such a long journey a drama that is very interesting to learn.
Much later I learned that science. What a person who possessed not be treated before the root of the problem solved first. Violence will only make things become chaotic. But the inner strength and giving the solution is much more beneficial for everyone, the patient was no exception.
Be a safe controlled atmosphere. Icha bebersih themselves, bathe and change clothes. Her friends and family also Ustadz Nur enlightened about filial to parents and a bit about the jinn. I myself also do not quite understand. Why can I give a talk to the elders who have also seen some of the scholars there. O Allah, forgive us our sins. That we either intentionally or not our purpose. Since no one can forgive sins except You. Amen
Sumbawa, since February 7, 2007 when we first arrived, was remarkable.Spiritual aura that leads towards the magic is very thick. Kayak aja ya know? Hehehehe ... But anyway I think is true. The area is very spacious with the occupants of a human group is still small, making the group Amendment genie living in Sumbawa.
Sumbawa Island with an area almost twice the island of Lombok, is only inhabited by less than half the people in Lombok. Still widespread, still a virgin and still save a lot of potential for cultivation by a competent time.As usual I can not escape from the activity in redcross. Blood donors are already doing our routine. And willing to get together with redcross volunteer (KSR) makes me feel young. The similarity of outlook and adventurous spirit is a binder that is difficult for me to be released anywhere.August 2008 Yang redcross/student (PMR) of SMAN 1 Sumbawa entered into joint base training of SMPN 1 Sumbawa. I do not know what their programs in such Semongkat. All I know two days in a row journalist Adrian one of volunteer is also phoned me. Likewise Mr. Moel, Mr Dendis and Mr Manaungi. And I also was getting HSE (Field Work Field) as a student at the Faculty of Law at the University Unsa which have its main office in the Village kerekeh 45 Mataram. Kerekeh, apologize like a GSM network connection sometimes crashes. So communication is often impaired.
The third day of the accident I was in the house, apparently friends KSR wits not to see me. Due to the same case when SMAN 1 held an event Basai Ate 2 Rally PMR as I came NTB in Labuan.
At 22.00 hours when it is eager to enjoy their TV shows come and get me into the house. I went by Mr. Manaungi dibonceng. Apparently there is a member of PMR who possessed he said.
In preparation, while chatting blindly on the road, preparatory prayer several times I've read. Arrive at the location that they were gathered in the village hall Semongkat, it was crowded. My arrival was greeted by a committee named Darisya Cahyani familiarly called Icha.
"Mr, is the smell of incense anyway", said Icha told me that later Wsssssssssssss ... he fell, rolling and grumbling at will. Viewing conditions are less cool I suggest that Icha taken to a place that is separate from the other participants. Not feeling it, cook it used as a performance event. As a result, they brought to the House Icha Lanteh Stone Head office who happened to Mr. Arif, Mr. was out of town.
There I was thinking that this child there is a problem. I usually just run out came the genie had not penetrated the victim. Ceileh .., ya arrogant. Not so. But my little heart says so.
It is true fact. Every time I remove the jinn who later whispered to me named Hesti was indeed out.
"Not Hesti, I am Santi", cried the genie that permeated my inner Icha protest with which he considers wrong. Santi was indeed he who entered into the bodies of Icha. But Hesti outside because it is not allowed by Santi also wish I could go. So it was really both.
The problem is now too hard why Santi told to get out?. Without thinking, after I catch the problem, I immediately excused himself from them. The problems that befall Icha quite clear. That is, before the training he has been forbidden by her mother to follow him so that lessons in school is not disrupted. But kengeyelannya then make it bad luck with the loss of right earrings.
Afraid of angry parents, Icha then worked with Santi genie who is like him, he said. I asked for a glass of water. I read two prayers at once. Nurbuah and bismikal a'dzam. Then I rubbed into his face and drunk. Alhamdulillah Icha healed. But my mind is still saying that Icha will continue because his mind was still filled with one problem. That is due to the loss of a parent tegoran favorite earrings. I do not care, because when I lived, my wife also is sick stomach. But thank God that night no longer matter in Semongkat said committee.
After Maghrib next day, feeling like me, happen again. Having to communicate earlier, Mr. Manaungi and some people PMR SMAN 1 Sumbawa class 3 pick me up. He said Icha another recurrence and was in his parents' house in the village of Lower Poto Moyo District, approximately 20-minute journey from Sumbawa. We went there on a motorcycle together. Again and again I dibonceng by Mas Manaungi.Along the bumpy road between Bukit Tinggi - Poto, suddenly there was an uneasy feeling upon me. But I leave it alone and forget.
But what we can? Mas Manaungi PMR was angry at her for giving wrong information. Icha is not in his house which was extinguished in Poto's electric when we got there. But Icha at Bara Sumbawa Brang where he lived with his older brother and uncle who became head of junior Lenangguar. Astaghfirullah ..!!, my no load and are familiar with such conditions alhamdulillah no emotion. I think for many things, peace is necessary in order to remain able to think clearly and solve problems elegantly. Then we proceed to the town of Sumbawa Brangbara.
Arriving at Brang Bara is the couple's home and Ms. Rukmini Ustadz Nur, already filled with people. With say adieu (excuse me) many times I step over people who already had been waiting for. Relatives sometimes from a large family Jaelani Mr (Mr Icha) and Ustadz Nur is mostly present in the spontaneous event.
So there is a trend in the family whom you invite children to live in his house. Ustadz Nur with two champion who still lives in the village primary school Bugis. Berpisahlah he and his wife with their children. While Icha and Mulyani, who are both children of Mr. Poto Jaelani a teacher in residence at Brang Bara with Ustadz Nur and Mrs. Rukmini.
Great, I think is very good. This shows how family relationships in this family very well. It should be our example. Because when the apocalypse is very close, brotherly relationship will rengggang and may be broken up, the more closely the ties of friendship. Other people become brothers.Brother be not ready for one. And when that's going to happen then the actual doomsday. Naaudzu billah forbid min. So this family has distanced us back to the end hehehehe
E arrival I made Icha had paused from his ravings. Jin Santi Icha back at home with the body sitting there. Healing with level one and two already accomplished. That is by drinking water and the threat of a blow. And Santi still unmoved. Not wanting to get out of the body Icha. Finally, as pemungkas permission from both parents, we agreed to bathe Icha that genie who says he has three days of this brood, immediate applause.
The four of us, Icha mother, aunt Rukmini, Icha and I was in the bathroom for the procession. With the resignation that I think is already a high level, with tertetes had tears, I Icha flush with water. Prayer hasbunallahu wanikmal vice nikmal nikman Nasir Wa Maula, I made the pledge here.Flash seen by my shadow out of the body Icha Santi.
Icha but still not regained consciousness. So with my loud accusations that he is working with the genie. He had taken refuge to other than Allah, the jinn. Icha cry, which made me compassion. I am sure it is pure Icha though his style is like a man possessed. Finally I pleaded with her mother Icha.
"Mom, Icha is not sure that he will not get yelled at because of the loss earrings. Try mothers swear by the name of God that she would not be angry because of it ", I pleaded that directly implemented by the mother.Icha normal cash and one hundred percent conscious. Subhanallah.Such a long journey a drama that is very interesting to learn.
Much later I learned that science. What a person who possessed not be treated before the root of the problem solved first. Violence will only make things become chaotic. But the inner strength and giving the solution is much more beneficial for everyone, the patient was no exception.
Be a safe controlled atmosphere. Icha bebersih themselves, bathe and change clothes. Her friends and family also Ustadz Nur enlightened about filial to parents and a bit about the jinn. I myself also do not quite understand. Why can I give a talk to the elders who have also seen some of the scholars there. O Allah, forgive us our sins. That we either intentionally or not our purpose. Since no one can forgive sins except You. Amen
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