I was taught by a friend from Banyuwangi how to kill person by black magic (santet). Santet is science, isn't it? Perhaps this one is Hadrat Ali with Science in the pig's mouth. Yes I take it, is not science ... hehehehe
A variety of unique ways that I certainly would not go here, as I do not practice it there. Processions are very attached to things mystical. Quote witchcraft, if not mystical hold what so loh .. My weird .. hehehe I mean hell let me not be forced to parse the ways menyantet people here. It can be annoying and hurt many people. Mean heart want to be helpful, can-can on the contrary, right ..?
As we've discussed before, that the jin witchcraft use the services as executor task. Witchcraft, there are two ways, first by sending the objects which we call the object inmaterialkan to last and second to send jinns to conduct attacks both from outside and entered the victim's body.Remember, jinn can enter the human bloodstream. With these capabilities genie allows a person to stop the pulse. Even block blood flow that supplies energy to the heart of any person in certain circumstances they can do.
Perhaps readers have heard or seen people who snore or 'snoring'. And perhaps also among them are some who like to suck and exhale roughly.Well, like it is a genie who sometimes act out into the human body through the mouth. So if sleep atuh shut up .. Not that, but pray and perform adab sleep will save us from sin people sleep. Instead make the bed as a worship that will get a reward from Allah SWT. For that all need to know, learn and practice the civilized bed.
Conduct of this sleep will be parsed in a separate chapter in this book as a bonus for readers. Of course not the only civilized sleep at a glance, but there are some prayers that can be practiced by readers. Even with this sleep adab, God willing, if the good fortune to meet with the Prophet Muhammad. Hopefully it can benefit, Amen.
Then how the process of killing by witchcraft? Usually when the witches, death was made or planned to slowly but surely, then when it comes to headaches or stomach or the part that is attacked, then the therapy doctors can not detect the disease. There was a patient of mine are up to the doctor was furious. People say pain of begging for mercy why there is no disease, weird is not it?
But you, perhaps a couple of years, months, weeks, days or even the night after the disease was examined more remarkable was going to have the title. Usually gout, malaria, migraine and other common diseases that are the work of mischievous genie that we call the devil earlier. When it got the title of any actual treatment with rukiyah can still be done.
Meanwhile, when the shaman at the request of the attacker wants the kill quickly, usually the arrival of this genie suddenly and can instantly kill the victim. If that is often referred to as the wind sits. Victims of previous good health, but such severe cold which later killed him. Terpisahlah between body and spirit in a matter of seconds. Of course all this depends on God wants. If God wanted it could have happened even though God is not pleased with the way it is. But if God does not want to, despite all the creatures gathered to try, surely will never succeed.
This is one reason why the book you are reading is titled It's Easy To Treat Diseases (MPIM). Because there are actually five ways of treatment allowed by Allah SWT. Namely (1) with rukiyah (treatment by prayer), (2) by drinking honey, (3) with a bruise or bleed sucking and dirty, (4) to charity and (5) last new medical. In other parts will be discussed thoroughly the truth simply treat this disease.
So the process of killing by witchcraft had been able to insert a sharp object such as is mentioned in front of or with the punches, kicks, pembekapan respiratory tract, discontinuation of blood flow, heart valve closure and so that performed by the genie on the order of shamans.Shamans acted at the request of the real killers who came to him. If readers want to be able to see the process, please a lot of practice dhikr Ya Allah, Ya Alim and Ya Latif. Probably at least read a thousand times or tens of thousands of times a day, accompanied by fasting sunna. Then approach and consider the inner (concentrate) people we suspect are being exposed to witchcraft. Even within a particular level when the deeds and savings as described in the front has been practiced, we can know that someone is sick just by looking at her or know her name. Let not bother to prove it deh. Action, action, and action. Haste in doing good. Thus the message the Prophet Muhammad.
We recommended to always remember God. How to remember God is to remember His greatness and power. God commands us to remember Him in a state of sitting, standing and during their daily activities. With the dhikr, the liver will be quiet at least. "Ala bidzikrillahi tathmainul quluub.Know the remembrance of God, the heart will be calm ".
Faced with the phenomenon of life in these last days many people are easy to stress. People affected by stress because they do not know what to do. Not only that, to reach what he wants sometimes people elbow each other. Even kill each other. So witchcraft became one of the media killings. Hence we must know and can counteract his arrival, as well as learn self treat disease (treat the disease itself). In this book a lot of discussion about it. So keep finish reading it, in order to open the veil that had been covered by ignorance.
Furthermore, there is a light practice that we can use to seek refuge in Allah from the interference of witchcraft. This practice is very short and familiar we read. But if we are confident and sincere in practice it, not only cured the disease, but by permission of God is also able to restore the practice of witchcraft to the owner through the shaman. Here it is reading: laa ilaha illallah muhammadarasulullah, muhammadarasulullah laa ilaha illallah. Then every before bed to read Istighfar istiqamahkan, Alfatehah, al sincere, al Falaq, annas and paragraph seats. Followed by reading subhanallah 33X, 33X alhamdulillah, danAllahu akbar 34x. Then added to the rest of our body and intend to sleep worship. Good luck
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